Folktales of Bhutan

Ashi Tshomen is half human and half snake for she is a Lu princess who lives in a lake. She loves to play with her friends under the water, but also to watch the human beings who live on earth above her lake.
When the human beings become selfish and careless, they pollute her lake and hurt those who live in the lake. Ashi Tshomen’s father, the King of the lake becomes angry and plans to punish the human beings but Ashi Tshomen helps to find a better solution.
This children’s book while set in the contemporary world, tenderly evokes the traditional relationship between the Lu, or subterranean spirits who protect our water sources and the humans.

A collection of twenty-two stories set in four different regions of Bhutan. Belief in the yeti is ubiquitous in the kingdoms of the Himalayas, where beliefs and attitudes related to it go beyond scientific judgment and analysis. The Bhutanese consider the yeti, or the migoi, to be an essential part of the backdrop of their existence. Believed to possess supernatural powers enabling it to become invisible at will, the yeti often manifests itself in a tangible form and then suddenly vanishes, leaving behind nothing but an unexpected void. Folklore about the abominable snowman has existed for centuries: however, with the far-reaching impact of the media, the perpetuation of this oral tradition is threatened. This collection of stories is an attempt to document a vital tradition before it is wiped out entirely.

The Cuckoo and the Pigeon is a collection of 35 folktales from the Himalayan Kingdom of Bhutan. The stories take the readers into the lands of demons and monsters, fairies and magicians, of beauty and the beast, and will entertain readers of all ages with striking morals and lessons.Leadership of the Wise Kings, Kyetse by Chador, Miracle One Day, In Love with Butterflies and Other Stories, Deyzang by Indra K. Vishwa, Depa Bondeypa's Relatives, The Miracle Calling, Phases, Mipham's Dialectics and the Debates on EmptinessAKu Thongmi: A song for Bhutan Written by Jane Hancock and Janet Herman, My Green School, Dewdrops in the sun; A Treasury of Poems, Rigzang, Ei8ht Nyingtib Tshering's Amazing Journey, What is the true cause of being born handsome or beautiful, Kissing Dragon, The Rendezvous Omega, Escapades Awakenings, How Turnips Came to Haa, The Dharma King, Bumo Jarim, Medical History of Bhutan, The Sky Heard The Whisper, Tales in Colors & Other Stories, Enchanted by Bhutan, Thakchung Gadpu, Songs of Lonely Raven, The beautiful Chaos, Thus I Heard, Foods of the Kingdom of Bhutan, GARPA by Pema Tshering, The Gift, TIGER AND MONK: A HIMALAYAN FICTION, Enchanted by Bhutan, Dorji by Alex Rothman, Folded into a paper boat a collection of Poetry from Bhutan, Mebartsho: The Falming Lake, Tales of the Yeti, Gyal-Khab, Reflections of State, Citizen, and Citizenship Education, The Hidden Rainbow.

The story of a girl called Akhay Gyem, who was from Haa. She was greatly admired by the people of her village and every one wanted to be her friend. She meets Tshering Dorji and becomes a friend of Akhay Gyem than succeed in making her believe that he has a nice house, kitchen full of foods and she goes with Tshering. She finds out that he has nothing and leaves in despair and regret. she tries to run away and he catches her with a rope. she then slips from rope and falls in the water. With a deep regret, he makes a wish to turn himself into a mountain from guilt and loosing her. She is not hurt and comes out clean as she is the mermaid.



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